business, lady, woman @ Pixabay

In today’s world, the term “manager” has lost some of its meaning. Many people don’t even use this word to describe their role in a company anymore. Instead, they use it as an excuse for not taking ownership over their own work and blaming problems on others. If you want to be seen by your team as someone who cares about them and wants to help them succeed, then there is one thing that you need: autonomy. Giving employees autonomy will allow them to feel more engaged with the project at hand because they have input into what goes into it. This can also lead to higher quality results since the workers are invested in what they’re working on rather than just going through the motions day after day until quitting time rolls around.

In today’s world, the term “manager” has lost some of its meaning. Many people don’t even use this word to describe their role in a company anymore. Instead, they use it as an excuse for not taking ownership over their own work and blaming problems on others __ . If you want to be seen by your team as someone who cares about them and wants to help them succeed, then there is one thing that you need: autonomy __ . Giving employees autonomy will allow them to feel more engaged with the project at hand because they have input into what goes into it (which usually leads) __ better quality results since the workers are invested in what they’re working on rather than just going through the motions day after


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